

120g buckwheat four

140g wholemeal flour

½ teaspoon fine sea salt

1¼ teaspoon bicarbonate of soda

50g  light muscovado sugar

4 tablespoons butter

2 free-range eggs

250ml plain Greek yoghurt

300ml whole milk

½ teaspoon coconut oil


  1. Melt the butter

  2. Combine all the dry ingredients in a large bowl and all the wet ingredients in another.

  3. Tip the wet ingredients into the dry and beat together with an electric whisk. Leave the mixture to stand for 5-10 minutes.

  4. Place a non-stick frying pan over a medium to high heat.

  5. Lightly coat the pan with coconut oil and pour in enough batter to make a pancake about 10cm in diameter.

  6. As soon as the pancake starts to bubble, in about 45-60 seconds, flip it over and cook for 15-30 seconds until it is golden brown on both sides.

  7. Repeat until the mixture is all used up

These pancakes are best served warm with greek yogurt and berry compote. You can freeze any left over pancakes and simply defrost them in the microwave.


Breakfast Pebbles


Berry Compote