A Hero Like Me

Author: Angela Joy & Jen Reid

Illustrator: Leire Salaberria

Publisher: Frances Lincoln Children’s Books

This picture book carries an important message about recognising modern heroes through the story of a girl who walks past a statue of a man who is suppose to be a hero, but she doesn't think he is at all. Other people in her community share the same thought, so the statue is pulled down.

Inspired by the events of 2020 when a statue of slave trader Edward Colston was pulled down, this book explores the need for more black heroes amongst our communities. A Hero Like Me shows young readers that modern times call for change and better aspirations. Readers are told the story of George Floyd and how his death led to the statue of Edward Colston being removed. The information within this book is designed to spark a conversation between you and your child about the importance of equality and gets children thinking about why we commemorate certain people through statues.

This is a must-read with your children. It tackles important modern day issues, raising awareness of injustices to the new generations. Knowledge is power.


A man who sold freedom for cotton and tea.
— Angela Joy & Jen Reid, A Hero Like Me