Bathe the Cat

Author: Alice B. McGinty

Illustrator: David Roberts

Publisher: Chronicle Books

This hilarious story follows two dads and and their three children as they scramble to tidy the house before grandma visits. Everyone is given a job to do to get the house in order in time. The list is written on the fridge in magnets to help them all navigate their assigned tasks. The cat however is not happy with this list. The final task written down is 'bathe the cat!'. The cat is not happy about his imminent bath so with a swipe of his paws, he rearranges the letters on the fridge. However, there is just one problem. The tasks now read 'scrub the lawn, 'sweep the dishes' and 'vacuum the cat'. The cat is not happy about this either. So, with another scratch and swipe of his paws, he rearranges the letters once more but this only causes more chaos!

The colourful illustrations by David Roberts capture the wonderful style of the characters clothes and their fabulous facial expressions throughout the book. This is a great book for cat lovers or those who have also had to scramble around the house to tidy up for a visitor.


Bobby, rock the rug. I’ll sweep the dishes. Dad will scrub those fishes.
— Alice B. McGinty, Bathe the Cat