The Worry Jar

Author: Lou John

Illustrator: Jenny Bloomfield

Publisher: Oxford

This charming tale of overcoming worries is an excellent read for young children. This sensitive story explores all the worries that young people have, whether that be over school, friends or new chapters. It is a useful tool for teaching your child that worrying about things is perfectly normal and it helps to acknowledge those feelings. It also provides a practical solution to dealing with fears and anxieties about the world.

The story follows a young girl names Frida. Frida is always worrying about something. When she is out on her adventures, Frida loves to collect pebbles in her pocket. The only issue is pebbles are heavy. Just like her worries, the pebbles weigh her down. When Frida's granny comes to visit she bring Frida a special jar to house her pebbles. When Frida puts her pebbles in their new home, her worries stop and she is able to enjoy simple pleasures again.


Frida picked up pebbles everywhere she went - one for every worry.
— Lou John, The Worry Jar