The Testing Two’s

The rollercoaster of the toddler years can be exhausting for parents and children alike, as we learn to adapt to their ever changing communication skills and they learn to tell us exactly what they want, whilst finding out that they may not always be able to get just that!

Just like with every parenting matter, there are plenty of books about the 'testing', 'terrible' or 'turbulent' twos, so much so that the whole thing becomes daunting, making you wish the year away. Whilst there are inevitably going to be bad days, as is life, there are so many unmissable moments that make the age of two such a joy to witness as your child develops into an independent thinker, and do-er!

As toddlers' rates of physical, emotional and social development differ, frustrations can easily arise when they know what they want but cannot physically do it for themselves or verbally communicate that want or need to their caregiver. This is why we need to muster all of our patience and understanding to really put ourselves in their shoes when trying to navigate these frustrations. Whilst there's no one solution or formula for getting through the toddler years, we hope that these tools make these inspiring moments shine and the 'testing' moments easier to handle and understand.


London Activities for Little Ones