Summer Safety Tips: Keeping Your Kids Safe in the Sun and Water

Summer is a season of fun, filled with sunny days and outdoor adventures. For families, it’s a time to create lasting memories at the beach, pool, and park. However, while summer activities offer countless opportunities for fun, they also have their share of safety concerns. As a parent, ensuring your child's safety in the sun and water is paramount. In this post, we'll share essential summer safety tips to help you keep your kids safe and sound while they enjoy their favourite summer activities. From sun protection strategies to water safety guidelines, we've got you covered so you can focus on making the most of this sunny season with peace of mind.

How to Find the Best Suncream for Your Family

When you walk down the sun protection eisle of any pharmacy, drugstore or supermarket these days, it can be very overwhelming seeing over 100 products to chose from, all shouting different claims about how well they will protect you and your children from the sun.

You do not need to spend a fortune on sun cream to get the best protection. Higher priced suncreams may offer great protection, but you can find this at the lower end of the price scale too. Usually you are paying for other benefits, such as how well the product absorbs, how moisturising it is, convienience of application, or simply product packaging.

Regardless of price, what you want to look out for most are two pieces of information; the SPF and UVA ratings. SPF, or Sun Protection Factor, tells you how much UVB it protects against. In simple terms, wearing SPF 30 sunscreen allows you to stay outside 30 times longer before burning than you would without any sun protection. This is why it's generally not advisable to use the same SPF for everyone in the family (unless it's SPF 50), as each person will have a different threshold before they start to burn. For children, especially, it's recommended to use SPF 50+, but we recommend using the highest protection you can for the whole family.

In the UK you’ll also find either a UVA star rating or a UVA symbol on suncreams. The star rating was created by Boots in the 90s and rates suncream from 0-5 stars on how much UVA it absorbs compared to the SPF. A rating of at least 4 stars is recommended, but we like to find the one with 5 stars that fits our budgets and other skincare needs. Alternatively, the UVA in a circle symbol indicates that the UVA protection is at least one-third of the SPF rating (UVB) and complies with European standards.

Water Safety

When the sun comes out, you may want to head to the beach, pool, or local swimming spots to enjoy the warm weather. While water activities provide endless fun and great exercise for young children, safety is paramount. As a parent, it's crucial to be vigilant and proactive in keeping your little ones safe around water. Here are some essential water safety tips to ensure your children stay safe and have a great time.

1. Supervision is Key

Always supervise your children closely when they are near water. Whether it’s a pool, a beach, or even a paddling pool, constant adult supervision is essential. Stay within arm’s reach of young children and never leave them unattended, even for a moment. Remember, drowning can happen quickly and silently.

2. Teach Water Safety Early

Start teaching your children about water safety from a young age. Explain the importance of staying within designated swimming areas, not running near the pool, and always following the lifeguard's instructions. Reinforce the rules regularly to help them understand and remember.

3. Invest in Swimming Lessons

If you are able, enroll your children in swimming lessons as early as possible. Knowing how to swim can significantly reduce the risk of drowning. Look for certified instructors who specialize in teaching young children. Swimming lessons teach essential skills and build confidence in the water.

4. Create a Safe Pool Environment

If you have a pool at home, take steps to make it as safe as possible. Install a fence with a self-closing, self-latching gate to prevent unsupervised access. Keep rescue equipment and a phone nearby in case of emergencies. Additionally, ensure pool covers are secure and remove any toys from the pool area when not in use to prevent children from being tempted to reach for them.

5. Be Cautious at the Beach

When visiting the beach, choose areas with lifeguards on duty and pay attention to warning flags and signs. Teach your children to swim parallel to the shore if they get caught in a current, and never let them swim alone. Additionally, teach your children ‘Float to Live’ from RNLI.

6. Understand the Risks of Water Play Equipment

Inflatables and water toys are fun but can be dangerous if not used properly. Make sure inflatables are used in shallow water and under close supervision. Discourage rough play and ensure all equipment is in good condition.

7. Know How to Respond in an Emergency

Familiarise yourself with basic first aid and CPR. Knowing how to respond quickly and effectively in an emergency can save a life. Many organizations offer CPR courses specifically designed for parents and caregivers but you can find great resources online, such as “Aaron’s heart”, if these aren’t accessible.

8. Educate on Cold Water Safety

Even in the summer, water temperatures can be colder than expected. Teach your children about the dangers of cold water and how it can affect their ability to swim. Encourage them to enter the water slowly to acclimate to the temperature.

9. Think Bright, Not Blue!

If you think about it, what colour would be the hardest to spot under water? The answer you’re probably thinking of is blue, a colour often used by clothing designers for children’s swimwear. We know this advice may clash with the fashion-conscious parents, but the best swimwear option for your child (and yourself!) includes bright, contrasting colours. These colorways are much easier to spot on or under the water’s surface than blue or more muted colors, which can create a camouflage effect with the water.

Water activities are a wonderful way for young children to enjoy the summer and stay active. By taking these essential safety precautions, you can ensure your kids stay safe while having fun. Remember, your vigilance and proactive measures are key to preventing accidents and ensuring your little ones a joyful, safe water experience. Enjoy the summer with peace of mind, knowing you've taken the necessary steps to protect your children in and around water.


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